Electrical safety in the home and business
Safety is everything when it comes to electricity, in the home and at your place of work. Health and Safety standards requires premises to be safe for employees but sometimes things are easily overlooked.
Most home owners realise the importance of electrical safety by not overloading those sockets or extension leads, but having your electrics checked if you are unsure is important.
Before adding extra sockets to rooms or additional extension leads you should check to see if your fuse box has trip switches and complies with the latest Building Regulations for safety in the home and business. Easily said, if you don't know what to look for or are concerned then ask for a quote. It will only take a few minutes to check and if anything does need upgrading or testing then it will certainly put your mind at rest.
Most properties that have had additional sockets, lighting, extensions or conversions in the past few years will have had electricity supply boxes tested and upgraded if advised.
If you see a cracked electrical socket then don't use it! Get it replaced as it may have cracked from overheating. If you've been plugging in many electrical appliances into the same socket for a power supply feed then it may be causing the plug to overheat and asking for problems or worse still to occur. Most businesses have what is called a (PAT) test done annually to test each piece of electrical appliance in the business premises. If you need a PAT test in Weston-supre-Mare, Worle, Bristol or in Somerset then ask us for a free quote per appliance used per unit. Our PAT tests are all certified and signed off for certification of test, date and signature sign off.
I look forward to writing a longer blog regarding installing extra sockets and light fittings in the coming months. Remember, electricity can kill! STAY SAFE until next time.